Eryca Freemantle’s Legacy in Beauty, Wellness, and Empowerment

Eryca Freemantle's Legacy in Beauty, Wellness, and Empowerment

In a heartfelt conversation, Eryca Freemantle shared her extraordinary life journey marked by resilience, empowerment, and a deep passion for makeup artistry. At 60, Eryca’s journey has been anything but ordinary, hers is a testament to facing challenges head-on and emerging stronger.


Early Life and Challenge


“My name is Eryca Freemantle, daughter of Sarah and Ashman Freemantle,” she began, reflecting on her upbringing and the profound influence of her late father.”Unfortunately, I’ve just recently lost my Dad so 70% of me is not here. I am not able to give 70% of my mind, my body or soul to society,” she shared with a mix of sorrow and determination. Her journey, she admitted, feels like navigating life with the wisdom of age but the heart of a child, a poignant reminder of resilience.

Eryca emphasized the pivotal role her father played in shaping her resilience and ambition. “My father always brought me up on a theory that there isn’t anything in this world that I can’t achieve or do, especially because I am his daughter,” she recalled fondly.. “But the only thing for me now is that in the last couple of years of losing my dad, I’ve had to learn to push on my own,” she admitted, highlighting the personal challenges she now faces.

Her journey into makeup artistry began unexpectedly after a life-altering car accident. “I was involved in a car accident where I lost all of my hair, I had multiple scars on my face and a near amputation of my left leg,” Eryca revealed. “So when people see me and they see me with this bald head, they think it’s a fashion statement but it really isn’t,” she clarified, explaining the trauma behind her appearance.

Eryca candidly recalls her early struggles with confidence due to facial scars, which ignited her passion for makeup. “It was 42 years ago, a time without internet or mobile phones, and only three TV channels in the UK,” she reminisces. Amidst a lack of representation, she found inspiration in magazines like Ebony and Jet, admiring the beauty of black women.

With her father’s unwavering belief in her talents, Eryca enrolled in the Complexion School of Makeup where she found solace in makeup. “I wanted to learn something about beauty,” she explained. “I saw all these beautiful black women in magazines and I said I wanted to be the one that learned how to do the makeup, to conceal my own scars,” she recalled, reminiscing about her early inspirations.

Determined to learn the art, Eryca graduated with distinction. Being the only black student, her skills captivated classmates from around the world, eager to collaborate with someone of her complexion.


Career Beginnings and Milestones


Fresh out of makeup school, fate intervened when she was thrust into a London fashion show due to a last-minute cancellation. Armed with a modest kit of three foundations and four lipsticks, Eryca faced the daunting task of beautifying 56 models within a tight timeframe. “They looked like 6ft amazons,” she recalls with humor, describing the scene where her impromptu approach—lining up models from lightest to darkest—proved both ingenious and chaotic.

Despite the makeshift conditions, her efforts resonated powerfully. “They felt complete,” she reflects warmly, recalling the transformative effect of her makeup on the models as they confidently took to the runway earning thunderous applause from models and crew alike.

This breakthrough launched Eryca into celebrity makeup circles, working with luminaries like Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson. Her skill and insight into the needs of black women propelled her into consulting roles with global beauty brands, advocating for inclusive product lines. “I wanted to be the voice they lacked,” she asserts, underscoring her mission to empower through representation and tailored products


Embracing Nigeria and Pioneering Initiatives


Her journey took a profound turn when she discovered Nigeria, a place she now calls home. Drawn by its vibrancy and cultural richness, Eryca immersed herself in Nigeria’s burgeoning makeup scene, eventually founding the groundbreaking Embracing All Tones of Women (EATOW) platform. EATOW includes groundbreaking initiatives like the Makeup Awards and Galas celebrating Nigerian makeup artists globally and the recent Makeup Artist Summit on AI and Automation in Lagos.

“We just launched at the event the very first money-making machine for makeup artists,” she shared excitedly. “It’s subscription-based; they join and become members. We show makeup artists how to make money in their sleep.” Due to overwhelming demand, EATOW will return to Lagos in November, expanding attendance from 150 to 300, possibly even 400. “The response was incredible,” she said. “So, we’re bringing it back, and we’re also doing it in England in August.”

Eryca continues to pursue her Executive Coaching at the highest level, along with Life Coaching and Counseling skills. “It’s all about educating and empowering other women who look like me,” she explained.


Funding and Sustainability


Discussing funding, Eryca reveals a multifaceted approach. “We operate globally with strategic partnerships,” she explains. EATOW includes an academy and recently partnered with BeautybyAD to establish training centers in Nigeria and the UK. “We’re pioneering Palette to Profit, an AI-powered platform to monetize makeup artistry,” she adds, highlighting the ongoing need for investors and sponsors to support their innovative initiatives.


Life Coaching and Personal Wellness


Beyond makeup, Eryca is embarking on a new chapter as a life coach. “I’ve always been passionate about mentoring and guiding others,” she shares. Her holistic approach to personal wellness—embracing yoga and a vegetarian lifestyle for over 35 years—underscores her commitment to nurturing mind, body, and soul.


Advice and Legacy


When asked about advice for younger women, Eryca’s wisdom shines through. “Life is a rehearsal until you reach 40,” she reflected. Encouraging them to embrace mistakes and surround themselves with positivity, she emphasizes the importance of personal growth and resilience. “Enjoy every stage of life and learn from it,” she urges, drawing from her own journey of self-discovery.

Eryca Freemantle Instagram 

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