Investment Worthy Startups: Milestones – The M in POEM Framework Part 2

The Path to Investment Readiness


Securing investment is a pivotal step for startups, and being investment-ready is the key to success. This article delves into the essentials of investment readiness, guided by Tomi Davies’s insights.


The Trio of Essential Documents


  1. Pitch Deck

A concise presentation offering an overview of the business.

Essential for making a positive first impression on investors.


  1. Business Plan

A detailed document reflecting startup objectives and strategies.

Living documents evolving with research and discussions.


  1. Data Room

An online storage facility for secure sharing of critical information.


Crafting a Plausible Business Plan


Utilizing the POEM framework, the business plan should cover seven key sections, including Executive Summary, Vision, Proposition, Organization, Economics, Milestones, and References.


Perfecting the Pitch


Pitching to investors is an art, and Tomi Davies provides key tips:


  • Keeping it simple and precise.
  • Conveying the unique value proposition.
  • Letting investors experience the product firsthand.
  • Being clear on target customers and numbers.


Post-Pitch: Navigating Due Diligence


After a successful pitch, due diligence follows. Early-stage investing involves soft due diligence, focusing on understanding the founders, market, intellectual property, code quality, financial control, and traction.

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